Messaging Platform
This tool is the centerpiece of everything offered in this toolkit. It contains the five pillars of who we are: Transformational, Affordable, Equitable, High Quality, and Vital. It also includes key words, phrases, and evidence in support of the value of state colleges and universities.

Telling Our Story With a Unified Voice
For easy reference, the one-sheet messaging platform is available for download below. It is a helpful resource when you need to communicate about the benefits of state colleges and universities. For a deeper dive, download the full messaging platform.

Quick Tip
Use this resource as a quick way to get started and to ensure consistency when advocating on behalf of state colleges and universities.

One-Sheet Messaging Platform
A single-sheet version of the strategic messaging guide for easy reference.

Full Messaging Platform
A strategic messaging guide that includes key words, phrases, and evidence in support of the value of state colleges and universities.